Aug 22Liked by Patrick Wood

Well then, born and raised in a Chicago Suburb, times have changed!! We used to go back to my parents home with our children and before this chios we experienced Road Rage from what I can only describe against now a Minnesotan, was unreal! Not way will I now return to a city once loved. And BTW, my parents are deceased and my dad Was a WW11 Very. Many of them are now deceased and if God allowed many Vets to see what are World has become or done, oh my not enough room in there coffin to roll in! People Wake Up!!! Look up and read the Bible and learn from the True History!¡!!

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Aug 22Liked by Patrick Wood

I hope that Democrats remember this because, ultimately, I believe they will pay a high price. There were quite a number of Jewish people who voted Democrat. After this "back-of-the-bus treatment, they will more than likely rethink their affiliation with the Dems. Rightfully so, and we will welcome them with open arms to enjoy our freedom of speech and our Constitutional rights.

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Aug 22Liked by Patrick Wood

Interesting-----what's REALLY going on?

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Aug 22Liked by Patrick Wood

In my observation, the public conduct of Palestinians worldwide, generally discredits them.

Not all Jews are angels undoubtedly, but Jews worldwide had integrated well, made valuable contributions and generally conducted themselves to their credit.

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What 'public conduct of Palestinians'? They are mostly confined to a land smaller than Michigan! Worldwide protests have been conducted by people from across the globe. We're talking about a genocide here, not the Nobel Prize!

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I referred to "the public conduct of Palestinians worldwide" - not at home, although that too defines them.

Palestinians shouting obscenities and advocating violence against Jews in London and elsewhere is totally unacceptable to many, regardless.

The Jews living in Israel have suffered regular terrorist attacks for a long time from people calling themselves "Palestinians".

Regardless of their suffering, which may be quite a lot more than that of the Palestinians, Jews in general, still conduct themselves well in public worldwide.

Are Palestinians entitled to yell obscenities and advocate violence against Jews in public,

because their conduct is justified by long-standing Jewish abuses?

The Jews do not engage in such conduct despite long-standing Palestinian abuses.

The word genocide is being thrown around a lot by people who usually do not have the facts straight, because they are not on the ground in the conflict arena or in contact with those who are, and cannot therefore be well informed of the facts.

Nonetheless, some think the word genocide is justified on the basis of some kind of outraged, judgemental self-righteousness, regardless of the facts.

What about Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Vietnam, Korea, Ukraine, etcetera:

are they genocides too?

Just after the nation of Israel was formed FIVE ARAB NATIONS INVADED with the aim of wiping Israel out!

Was the intent genocide?

What is the Palestinian intent with respect to Israel and Jews NOW?

We need have our facts straight to speak and act with integrity.

Those who speak and act without integrity define themselves.

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Very believable. Much like Constitutionalists , Conservatives, Christians, and of course Jews. Thanks for the information. Praying for the Jews . Salvation came from the Jews. Jesus Christ King of the Jews. Our Savior. Lots of love prayers are said for them each day. We cannot forget them.

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Agree full heartedly…Yes the home invasion group has just as much right as those whose home is being invaded. In name of protecting democracy of course…

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A Jewish woman once said to me , When you put two hundred Jews in a room you know what you get? Two hundred different opinions .

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I don't buy it. Sorry. Which Jewish groups were banned? There are numerous pro-Palestinian Jewish groups...surely they were in attendance. I think you are splitting hairs. I'd like to know exactly which Jewish groups were denied permits. Do you know? I have seen nothing to support this claim- and I subscribe to numerous Jewish online newsletters and newspapers. No mention of this. Please advise.

Because if this is indeed true- then there is something much more rotten in Chicago than the usual madness.

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Read the Jonathon Turley article. He is speaking about the First Amendment. The First covers freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the freedom of press, the right to assemble peaceably, and the right to protest. Bonnie, you cannot choose to deny these rights to any group just because you don't like them. Think it trough.

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Believe me, I have thought this all through…for many, many years!

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I couldn't agree more...HOWEVER, I have seen nothing official on this claim, Patrick. Nada. And since my initial comment I have been looking. Nothing.

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Bonnie, you did not read the Turley article quoted above. Are you saying that Turley is not a credible source?

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Thank you. I read both pieces. These are pro-Israel publications so...I get that they would cover this story sympathetic to Jewish groups being prohibited from marching. What both articles and the main post fail to mention are the daily massacres that have occured in Palestine- primarily Gaza but also in the WB. THIS is what the 'pro-Palestinian' protesters are demonstrating about- and they are no doubt joined by Jewish groups. I will stand by for some comments by City of Chicago admnistrators and others. What, I wonder, would the Jewish groups be marching for? To defend a genocide? I am baffled.

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Aug 22Liked by Patrick Wood

I think you clearly don't understand the meaning of the word "genocide", and the difference between a war (in a dense civilian population, where the other side uses human shields as a tactic) and a "genocide". This talking point is utterly ridiculous, especially considering the number of non-comparatives to comparatives killed is low and well within the standard of warfare. I don't know if you have an inherent ideological bias on this subject or have just been fed false propaganda and information. But if you with to know the objective Truth, I would advise you to broaden your sources of info. and then try to compare opposite views using logical and critical thinking. But in case that this is your chosen bias, that is your choice and there is no point to continue this "conversation".

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I will overlook your denigration of my level of intelligence and knowledge with regard to what genocide means. What is happening is not a war as we understand war. Palestine has NO army, NO navy, NO tanks, NO missiles, NO jets, nothing to compare!

Your comments, frankly, are embarassing. I will leave this 'conversation' because I am well aware of where it is heading.

Good luck and good night.

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Who needs ‘human shields’ when there is nowhere to shelter, nowhere to hide? Always been a ridiculous, farfetched cover. It is known that the Occupation regularly uses innocents for such purposes. The veil has been lifted. ‘The other side’ indeed.

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